Timpul... fiecare secunda care se transpune in trecut este sufocanta, ne aminteste ca noi suntem "nimeni" si nu putem decide cum si cat de repede, sau incet, sa trecem de la viitor la prezent, de la prezent la trecut. Suntem cobaii unui complot, ni se incearca rabdarea la cote absurde, suntem apasati de o presiune care ar putea sa produca o implozie in interiorul nostru, si o va face, mai devreme sau mai tarziu. Aceasta trecere se accelereaza, iar procesul devine frustrant, ne aminteste ca nu avem nici o alta solutie decat sa induram. O privire, un sarut, o discutie neterminata, o atingere neintentionata, o intalnire intamplatoare, un dar, o strangere de mana, totul consta in fractiuni de secunda, se intampla, ne produc stari emotionale puternice, apoi dispar, unde? De ce dispar? Raman ca amintiri, undeva acolo in capul nostru, si timpul trece din nou, uitam... Dupa un anumit interval de timp, in unele circumstante rememoram trecutul, ca si cum l-am trai din nou, dar nu o facem, regretam, ce regretam, ca nu mai putem avea parte de el? sau ca amintirea nu este pe atat de intensa pe cat intamplarea din trecut? In realitate timpul nu exista, este doar o inventie a noastra, dar oare aceasta inventie nu este de fapt un adevar absolut? Ce este timpul? Este ziua de duminica, ieri, maine, prima zi din luna aprilie, prima zi din anul viitor? Este fiecare intamplare, fiecare gand, fiecare aspiratie sau dorinta? Este ceea ce este acum, ceea ce a fost si ceea ce va fi? Este constant sau se modifica? Timpul este totul si timpul este nimic... Timpul poate exista fara noi, dar noi nu putem exista fara timp...caci noi stim ca undeva in timp a fost... o privire, un sarut, o atingere nevinovata...
You take my love You want my soul I would be crazy to share your life Why can't you see what I am Sharpen the senses and turn the knife Hurt me and you'll understand I'll never be Maria Magdalena (You're a creature of the night) Maria Magdalena (you're a victim of the fight) (you need love) Promise me delight (You need love) Why must I lie Find alibis When will you wake up and realize I can't surrender to you Play for affection and Win the prize I know those party games too

"Este o greseala sa pui in scena un numar mare de personaje. Centrul gravitational trebuie compus doar din doua: el si ea...." Anton Cehov
"Dragostea vine intotdeaunea pe neasteptate, uneori chiar fara sa o doresti. Oare cine are timpul, forta, posibilitatea? Sa iubesti este o dovada de risipa, e emotionant, obositor; si de fiecare data cand cineva iubeste, sufera - macar un pic."
"Pasiunea deschide in fata noastra spatii care inainte nu existau, iar cand aceasta va inceta, acestea vor redeveni inexistente, inchizandu-se asemenea apei in siajul unei barci cu motor"
"Oricine a incercat-o vreodata stie ca iubirea, ca sa fie tinuta in viata, pretinde dificile si obositoare perioade de lipsa totala de spontaneitate."
"Ce frumoase sunt inceputurile cand iubirea pare perfecta, de o perfectiune stranie, diferita de tot ce-ti imaginasesi vreodata despre ea."
"Fiecare iubire inseamna a investiga unul asupra celuilalt. Adulmeci, descoperi elemente, faci deductii si cauti confirmari. Afli lucruri care nu-ti fac deloc placere, dar putin mai tarziu iti dai seama ca sunt exact ceea ce cautai de fapt. In realitate, investigand asupra celuilalt, investighezi asupra propriilor tale gusturi."
"Marii seducatori nu se lasa coplesiti de pesimism si de disconfort. Surad cu eleganta, o incaseaza fara sa clipeasca, si cauta sa fructifice in propiul beneficiu situatiile potrivnice."
Everybody turned round to look at the man who entered the restaurant. He was charming, good-looking, but the thing that really draw her attention was the fact that he seemed surrounded in mistery. He had something, something special, she could read it in his eyes, but what was it, she somehow needed to find out.He came there to meet a woman, a quite attractive one I would say, but he wasn't attracted to her in any way. They were discussing about something connected to the attacks that took place three days ago, as she could read it on his lips. "His lips..." she thought, "so provocative lips" she whispered, and then he threw her a look. She freezed when their eyes met. What was happening to her, she didn't knew the guy, and yet she was so messed up. Who was he? He stood up and started to walk towards her, she was afraid, but in a way she wanted to get close to him. He passed right next to her table, heading to the bar. Her table was very close to him, just a few inches, and he knew that. "I'll be your nightmare, Natasha..." he said to her. She couldn't believe it, how could he call her by the name. "How do you know who I am?" she asked. "I know everything..." he replied. "I also know that you'll come to love me, that you will help me to fulfill my destiny" he continued. "What? You are mad! Leave me alone! She looked at the waiter and asked for the paycheck. "You can run, but I'll be always one step ahead of you!"